RunPee isn’t a travel app per se, but it is a movie-related app, and I know a lot of people who like to go to the movies when they travel. (I’m not sure that’s the best use of time while on vacation unless you’re trying to get a sense of place or seeing a movie that was filmed in the destination, but that’s just me.) The app has been around since 2005, but because of all the hype around Avengers: Endgame‘s three-hour run time, it’s suddenly all over the news—so much so that the uptick in usage crashed the app, and the developer is working on a fix at the time this posts.
When it’s working (and it seems it will work again), RunPee (free to download on both iOS and Android) is an app that movie-goers are sure to love. The premise is simple: to “improve your movie-going experience” by identifying the best times in movies to “run and pee” so you don’t miss important scenes. The database is updated weekly, whenever wide-release films open in theaters. Right now, there are more than 1,300 movies in the database. The app also provides a synopsis with each Peetime so you know exactly what you missed while you were gone. There’s apparently no other resource like it in the entire world.
To use it, you pick your movie and start time and start watching the movie. The built-in timer will then alert you, by discreet vibration, when a Peetime is coming so you don’t have to worry about bothering the people around you in the theater. There’s also a free feature that will tell you what extra scenes to expect with or after the credits and when, and if they’re worth staying for.
There’s no charge to use RunPee with movies older than three months, but not everything is free. It costs money to update, the team notes, so there’s a nominal fee to use it with new movies: $0.99 for 10 Peecoins, $1.99 for 20 Peecoins and $20 for infinity Peecoins. If you don’t want to spend cash, there’s also an option to watch video ads to get Peecoins.
RunPee is available in many languages, including: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, and Vietnamese.