Sucheta Rawal
Sucheta Rawal

Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Sucheta Rawal

Occupation: Freelance food & travel writer; Author of Beato Goes To children’s books; Founder of Go Eat Give

Hometown: Chandigarh, India

Residence: Atlanta, GA

College: Georgia State University

College major: Finance


Twitter: @SuchetaRawal

Facebook: Suchetar Rawal

Instagram: suchetarawal

Pinterest: Go Eat Give

Google+: Sucheta Rawal

YouTube: goeatgive

Short bio: Sucheta Rawal is an award-winning food and travel writer contributing to CNN, Travel + Leisure, Creative Loafing, the Huffington Post, and CheapOAir. She is a spokesperson for culinary, sustainable and volunteer travel. Sucheta has authored “Beato Goes To” series of children’s picture books based on her own travels to educate kids about the world’s cultures. Sucheta also founded Go Eat Give, a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit with a mission to raise awareness of different cultures through travel, food and community service. 

How often do you fly? Monthly.

How many countries have you been to? 81 and counting.

How many continents have you been to? 6

Earliest travel memory: As a kid, I was thrilled to hang out in upscale hotels around India and would often convince the management to take me into their kitchens for a behind the scenes tour.

Favorite American city: Sedona.

Favorite international city: Portofino.

Least favorite country: El Salvador.

I have no desire to go to: Bermuda.

Friendliest people in the world: Nepal.

Country with the meanest immigration officers: Serbia.

Favorite World Heritage Site: Amalfi coast.

Favorite airline: Norwegian.

Favorite aircraft type: Dreamliner.

Aisle or window: Window.

Favorite airport lounge: Istanbul.

Favorite U.S. airport: Atlanta.

Favorite international airport: Schiphol.

Favorite hotel: Raffles Europejski Warsaw.

Favorite cruise line: Royal Caribbean.

Favorite travel credit card: American Express Platinum.

Favorite island: Bali.

Favorite beach: Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Favorite National Park: Masai Mara, Kenya.

Favorite fancy restaurant: Marea, New York City.

Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Doaba Dhaba, Chandigarh.

Favorite airport restaurant: One Flew South, Atlanta.

Favorite bar: BES Craft & Cocktail Lounge, St Croix.

Favorite fruit: Mango.

Favorite food: Middle Eastern.

Least favorite food: American version of Chinese.

Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Water.

Favorite travel movie(s): The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Darjeeling Limited.

Favorite travel show(s): Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father, Planet Earth.

Favorite travel podcast(s): This week in travel.

Favorite travel book(s): “The Directions to Happiness.”

Right now I am reading: “Hippie” by Paulo Coelho.

Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: National Geographic Traveler, BBC Travel, Travel + Leisure.

Favorite travel website(s)—besides, of course! CheapOAir.

5 things you bring on a plane: Noise-cancellation ear phones.

What do you always seem to forget? Battery packs.

What do you like least about travel? Long flights.

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? Museum replicas.

Favorite travel app(s): TripAdvisor.

Most embarrassing travel moment: Giving wrong directions in Spanish at London’s tube station.

I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: China.

Worst travel moment: Being stuck in a one-room airport with no running water in the Philippines.

What’s your dream destination? The five Stans.

Favorite travel charity: Pack for a purpose.

Best travel tip: Go with an open mind and embrace the differences.



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