Dynie Sanderson
Dynie Sanderson

Want to know how to travel in style, just like the pros? We check in with frequent fliers to find out how often they fly, their favorite destinations and what they never leave home without.

Name: Dynie Sanderson “NapaFoodGal”

Occupation: Food, wine and travel adventures—blogger, journalist; creator—NapaFoodGalTravels 

Hometown: Born in Coral Gables Florida and have lived all over from Rio de Janeiro, London, San Marino, Aspen, Vail, Los Angeles, Napa Valley, Montana

Residence: Current—Napa Valley and Whitefish, Montana

College: Florida State University

College major: Communications, Marketing, Art History

Website: napafoodgaltravels.com

Twitter: @NapaFoodGal

Facebook: Napa Food Gal Travels

Instagram: napafoodgal

Pinterest: NapaFoodGalTravels

Google+: Dynie Sanderson

YouTube: NapaFoodGal

Short bio: Dynie—NapaFoodGal—has been a travel writer for over 20 years. Though mostly food, wine and travel focused in wine country, I have taken the plunge to spread my travel wings to include Dynie’s Delicious Destinations around the US and the world featuring wine and food travel locales that are unique and fun to wherever my tastebuds will take me. I have five adventurous grown daughters who have also caught the travel bug. Love traveling with my husband Dana who is my videographer.

Here today, another flavor tomorrow…let the delicious adventures continue…

How often do you fly? At least once a month.

How many countries have you been to? 50

How many continents have you been to? 3

Earliest travel memory: Crossing the Equator on my way from Miami to Rio de Janeiro with my mother and grandmother. I was one year old. I remember because I saw the photos of the crossing on the cruise ship!

Favorite American city: Napa Valley of course.

Favorite international city: London and Florence.

Least favorite country: Egypt.

I have no desire to go to: Bosnia.

Friendliest people in the world: So many places hard to name just one. Most people I have encountered in my travels have been very friendly and welcoming.

Country with the meanest immigration officers: I haven’t really had a problem! Yet! Knock on wood!

Favorite World Heritage Site: Glacier National Park in Montana.

Favorite airline: Alaska Airlines, KLM, Air France, British Airways.

Favorite aircraft type: Any one that I can upgrade on…

Aisle or window: Probably aisle but depending on the plane, though the window seat is good too for the views!

Favorite airport lounge: Amex Centurion Lounge.

Favorite U.S. airport: Seattle.

Favorite international airport: London Heathrow.

Favorite hotel: Anything Four Seasons.

Favorite cruise line: UnCruise.

Favorite travel credit card: Amex Platinum.

Favorite island: Maui. 

Favorite beach: Ka’anapali Beach.

Favorite National Park: Glacier National Park. 

Favorite fancy restaurant: French Laundry in Napa Valley and Lahaina Grill in Maui.

Favorite hole-in-the-wall: Great Northern in Whitefish, Montana.

Favorite airport restaurant: Anthony’s in Seattle.

Favorite bar: Ghost Bar—Las Vegas, most unique!

Favorite fruit: Bananas and huckleberries from Montana.

Favorite food: Stone crabs.

Least favorite food: Liver.

Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Usually a bloody Mary or mimosa or a good glass of wine.

Favorite travel movie(s): The Way and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Favorite travel show(s): Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown or anything National Geographic  

Favorite travel book(s): “Under the Tuscan Sun,” “A Good Year” and any guide book about where I am going next!!!

Right now I am reading: The Outlander series (I love Scotland), books on Spain and Portugal.

Top 3 favorite travel newsletters/magazines/blogs: SmarterTravel, Travel + Leisure, BonVoyageurs, TravelBabbo. 

Favorite travel website(s)—besides JohnnyJet.com, of course! Travel + Leisure, Conde Naste Traveler, National Geographic.

5 things you bring on a plane: iPad, earphones & chargers; a change of clothes just in case of baggage delay; disinfectant wipes; eyeglasses; a sweater or travel blanket.

What do you always seem to forget? There is always an “OH NO” moment. Even though I make copious lists, I always forget something. Just don’t forget your passport, everything else you can work around!

What do you like least about travel? Long travel days, long layovers, missing connections, mechanical delays, and flight cancelations.

What do you want your loved one to buy you from an airport Duty Free store? If in Mexico Amazing Tequila, if In Europe – Great wine.

Favorite travel app(s): Uber, GoogleMaps, Packpoint, TripIt, AmericanExpress.

Most embarrassing travel moment: Arrive to Miami airport to head to Rio de Janeiro and forgot to get a Visa (30 years ago).

I’m embarrassed I haven’t been to: The far east.

Worst travel moment: I always seem to forget the worst travel moments as the good always outweighs the bad!

What’s your dream destination? A safari in Serengeti and a stay at the Four Seasons Serengeti.

Favorite travel charity: Pack for a Purpose.

Best travel tip: Always keep a positive attitude. Remember it’s all about the experience you share and the memories you will keep. Don’t wait till you retire to travel. Travel while you can, as much as you can and while you can still remember it! Never say one of these days. Just do it!


1 Comment On "Travel Style: Dynie Sanderson"
  1. Dynie - NapaFoodGal|

    Thanks so much for the post Johnny!!! I really appreciate it.
    Happy Travels.

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